What Can Be Done Now?

If you have read any of the above you might accuse the author of being naïve, simplistic and out of touch and I believe that you are correct. The preceding thoughts assume that we are talking about a country that is Christian, traditional and still trying to follow the Constitution of our founding fathers.  This is not true today. This may seem shocking, pessimistic and hopeless.  Let me put it on the line. In the last fifty years much of our country’s integrity has deteriorated and it is losing its Christian identity. The secular invasion has entered our families, our education, our politics and our whole moral way of life.  As Christians and Catholics do we have reminders of what we should do?

Pope Benedict in the Apostleship of Prayer intention for September “reminds us of our responsibility to elect officials who have three qualities:  honesty, integrity and love for the truth. Honest leaders do not say only what people want to hear to get elected, but speak their hearts no matter how unpopular it may be to some. Leaders with integrity match actions to their words. Leaders who love the truth act on it for the common good.”

Let us hope and pray that this restoration of Christian integrity will be seen in the Convention this week in Florida. Even though nature is challenging this meeting, may the cry of the common people prevail. Let us pray to the Lord and may Mary our mother intercede in these dangerous and opportune days.   Veni Creator Spiritus.

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