Following the Holy Spirit for every age and culture

Despite our political conflicts, whether liberal or conservative, we must never forget that the human being is a child of God.  Every era has its conflicts and differences but we still have one Lord, one God, with liberty and justice for all.  We should ask for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us as to what is truth and what is best for the people of God.  The Christian churches and the Catholic Church of Rome should admonish the people to follow the fullness of the Holy Spirit.   The United States of America under President Donald Trump should understand that belief in God, Jesus Christ, is always politically correct.  May our President follow the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  This should enable our country to seek out truth and judge what is politically correct.  President Trump said that the Bible is his book.  May he confront the political system with the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all political parties.  May Pope Francis monitor the political spectrum so that we may know  that the true political party is based on Scripture and the traditions of the Holy Catholic Church.  Come Holy Spirit, enkindle in us the fire of Thy Divine love.  Send forth Thy Holy Spirit to enlighten the world and bring peace.  May the Church of Rome continue to be open to the truth of the Word of God.  May Mary, the Mother of God, intercede for us and for the world.



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The Struggle With ISIS Terrorism

With the terrorist attack in Manchester where twenty-two (many of them teenagers) were killed and many more injured we face the reality that terrorism is in vogue. On the other hand, President Trump has visited the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Israel with its Palestinian terrorism. Trump visited the Christian sites, including the wall of Jerusalem and he has skillfully, diplomatically confronted terrorism. As a final part of his journey to the Middle East, he is visiting Rome and is asking, obviously, Pope Francis to intercede for the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. What can we do? The United States of America, with President Donald Trump, is trying to diplomatically and hopefully spiritually, deal with the issues of terrorism.
May we pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to confront, in Jesus’ name, this modern tragedy. May Mary, the Mother of God, intercede for our country and for our President.


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The United States of America as Savior of the World

With the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, we should not lose confidence that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of every life, no matter what culture they are in. President Donald Trump who claimed that the Bible was his book, let him follow not only diplomacy but the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are certainly in a world-wide struggle with diplomacy but that diplomacy should be enlightened by the Holy Spirit. With the cleansing of Washington D.C. and its swamp we must purify his diplomatic corps with a belief in the Holy Spirit which is the ultimate diplomacy based on strategy and Christian convictions. What a strange enigma it is that the United States of America is literally the savior of the world going all the way from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, to South Korea and the North Korean dictator.
Come Lord Jesus, enlighten your faithful Christians that the United States, ironically enough, has become the savior of the world. May Mary, the Mother of God, and all the saints intercede for us. Amen.


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Chaos versus Hope

What is our country doing with the chaos of places like Syria? Have the Russians given up their affiliation with Assad the dictator? After the tragedy of the poison gas that has taken the lives of many adults and children, our country, President Trump, decided after 24 hours of careful evaluation to attack one of Assad’s centers dealing with survival against the West. We really do not know what to do with the Middle East and the Syrian refugees. We still have foot-soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, surrounding the embassy in Baghdad with 2000 troops near the airport. Why do we still have troops in the Middle East? Because we must deal with jihad, the Muslim terrorists who don’t just stay in the Middle East, but come into our country, as exemplified with the destruction of the twin towers in Manhattan on 9-11.

We should never forget that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of every culture and of every person. We should strengthen our country under President Trump, reminding us that God is Lord and Savior of the entire world, especially today. Come Lord Jesus. Enlighten the faithful. Send forth your Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Mary Mother of God, pray for us. Amen.


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The Lord of the World and the Universe

These are dangerous and tumultuous times in which world cultures collide protecting their own nations and peoples oblivious to the reality that we are all nations under God with liberty and justice for all.  Would that President Donald Trump unify these cultures and conflicts.  This is indeed a naïve political theory where cultures still have their language, their people, their survival as a nation.  This has to do with the Far East, the Indian subculture, the Micronesia subculture, opposing the Chinese expansionism into the Far East.  Japan and South Korea are in conflict with the North Korean dictator and are trying to survive in that subculture.  We still have the European nations including Russia in the London terrorist attack.  How can we oppose terrorism that is so world-wide except through our belief that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of all nations.  May the gentle spirit of our Blessed Mother influence our choices for peace.   Jesus Christ is Lord of not only this world, but of the universe.  May we submit ourselves to Him and His omnipotence linked with his compassion as expressed through the Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the Acts of the Apostles and the multiple letters that were written after the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He is Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, of the whole universe.  Come Holy Spirit and enkindle in us the fire of Your divine love.  Send forth thy spirit and renew the face of not only this world but of the universe.


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Grace of the Holy Spirit

Our country continues to be confronted with honesty or manipulative dishonesty.  Let us hope that President Donald Trump will go against the political elite and follow the honesty linked to a Christian response.  Let us hope that the Republican Party will follow his Christian and righteous response to not only his fellow Republicans but also the Democrats who must admit their loss and seek response in the honesty of the conservative Christian Republicans. 

Let us look beyond our immediate political arena to the greater threats from the Middle East, and recently the Chinese expansion into the Far East confronting Japan, South Korea, and a very weakened Philippine government.  President Trump and the Republican Party have to deal with the Middle East, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the vitriolic government of Iran.  Let us join together with Israel and the more moderate Egyptian government, not controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. 

This is a tremendous challenge to Christianity, the Protestant conservative churches, and the Catholic under the leadership of Pope Francis who is trying to establish through mercy an approach to justice in Europe and throughout the entire world.


Holy God we praise Thy Name



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Support for Persecuted Christians.

During Lent, we should pray for the persecuted Church throughout the world.  Even though President Trump professes that he is a believer in the Bible, we must know that our country consists of Christians as well as atheists, agnostics, and secularists who would prefer that Jesus never be mentioned in public.   Catholics and Protestants in our country should intensify their commitment to the Lord and ultimately, His Church.  During Lent, we should strengthen our faith by attending Mass, going to confession, going to communion, and proclaiming the good news of salvation, not only to Catholics and Christians, but also to the secular opponents.  With the hoped for re-conversion of our country to Christianity, we must also look around the world where persecution has expressed itself in martyrdom, imprisonment, and confrontation.  In the Middle East alone, we have had the chaos of Iran, under Ayatollah Khomeini, that wants the death of Israel and the Christian nations.  May our government, under President Trump, be supportive of Israel.  The Middle East outside of Israel is in chaos:  Iraq, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, the Palestinians under the dictatorship of Hamas.  Europe is undergoing a migratory problem of Muslim exiles coming from the Middle East that has been devastating to Europe, even though many of them are peace loving, a minority of them are advocating jihad.  Paris has suffered from it.  Brussels has suffered.  And we ourselves in the United States have experienced jihad, beginning with the twin towers.  We Christians must unite and re-identify ourselves as a nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.  May the Christian churches be re-vitalized in faith to deal with the secular and even the dangerous jihad advocated by the extremists of Allah. May the Muslim imams control their communities for peace and not destruction.  During Lent, may we pray through the Eucharist to a greater dedication to purity and faithfulness nationwide and worldwide.

Come Holy Spirit of light and healing.  Enkindle in us the fire of thy Divine love.  Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us.  May Lent be a season of renewal of Divine life.


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Prayer for Today’s World

May this be our special prayer for the month (from the Apostleship of Prayer for February 2017):

You are all-beautiful, O Mary!

In you the Word of God became flesh.

Help us always to heed the Lord’s voice:

May we never be indifferent to the cry of the poor, or untouched by the suffering of the sick and those in need;  may we be sensitive to the loneliness of the elderly and the vulnerability of children, and always love and cherish the life of every human being.


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New Hope for Change

We are leaving the Obama Administration and we hope that there will be a radical restoration to the Christian culture of the West.  This culture transformed the New World into a Christian World that can be seen even today in South America and the United States.  In order to resist ISIS and the negative dimensions of the Muslim culture we must consolidate our Christian origins.   President elect Donald Trump said that the Bible in its Old and New Testaments was his book.   Let us hope that with the Republican majority we will have a Christian restoration.   May the governors of the Unites States of America strengthen once again our Christian heritage, so help me God.  May Mary, the Mother of God, intercede for us.


Amazing Grace


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Freedom in Christ

May all the Christian churches, Catholic and Protestant, be unified to defend Christianity in the United States of America. May the pilgrims who came to “New England” be a reminder that they sought religious liberty. With all the secularization of our country, we must remind ourselves that what made this country great was that we were a nation under God, with liberty and justice for all, and that God is Jesus Christ. We must remember that Thanksgiving was not just an opportunity to celebrate with a roasted turkey and other rich foods. The Pilgrims came to establish Christianity in our country; and what made this country unique was that Jesus Christ would bring justice, charity, love, and self-initiative. Let us hope that the Republican Party asserts its Christian (Catholic-Protestant) roots. We need justice, charity, self-initiative, integrity, and goodness to run the Republican Party under Donald Trump.
As Republicans, we must remember that the United States of America is the most important country ever established after the colonization of the New World. We must remember that the world, the Middle East, the Far East, every nation should look to our country as an ideal. We must remember that Jesus is Lord and Savior of the whole world. Our mission is to bring peace, justice, charity, and the love of the Lord.

Let us pray that the Republican Party not be localized to this country alone, but should be a Christian norm of truth and justice. May the churches (Catholic and Protestant) unite in bringing peace to this world. And may our Blessed Mother intercede with her all embracing love and goodness. Amen.


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